
This recipe creates 500g of delicious polenta.


2 litres water
1 tablespoon salt
500g polenta flour


Bring the water and salt to boil in a large saucepan. Slowly add the polenta and whisk to prevent any lumps, then lower the heat as it starts to bubble. Be careful of the splatters, it looks like Mt Vesuvius erupting! Continue to cook stirring frequently with a wooden spoon for about 40 minutes. The polenta is cooked when it comes away from the sides of the saucepan, if it is soft and heavy it’s ready to pour onto a wooden board or mould. It can the be spooned hot or left to cool and cut into slices. Serves 8-10.

Nonna’s tip: Make plenty! You can use it in so many ways…it’s delicious fried or grilled and served with formaggio.

See some of the ways to use polenta: Torta di polenta and Spezzatino.

Credit: Elisa Bastiani, Feature photo credit: Rina Aitken

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